binance liquid swap


PancakeSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) on Binance Smart Chain that allows you to swap, farm, and stake tokens with low fees and high speed. Discover how to join the CAKE revolution and participate in exciting features like Initial Farm Offerings, NFTs, and the Lottery.

Binance will perform a system upgrade for Binance Liquid Swap from 2021-10-12 06:00 AM (UTC) to 2021-10-12 09:00 AM (UTC). Swapping or adding/removing liquidity on Binance Liquid Swap will be suspended during the upgrade.

Binance Liquid Swap berbasis pool likuiditas. Terdapat dua token pada setiap pool, dan jumlah relatif token menentukan harga di antara keduanya dan selalu dapat diperdagangkan selama ada token yang sesuai di dalam pool. Binance Liquid Swap menawarkan harga yang lebih stabil dan biaya yang lebih rendah untuk transaksi besar.

The removal of the aforementioned liquidity pools does not impact trading of the corresponding pairs at Binance Spot, where applicable. Users can still trade on other liquidity pools that are available on Binance Liquid Swap. Users will not be able to add liquidity into the above liquidity pools starting from 2023-07-31 04:00 (UTC).

Earn from swap trading fees and farming rewards when you provide liquidity. Buy Crypto. Markets. Trade. Basic. Spot. Buy and sell on the Spot market with advanced tools. Margin. Increase your profits with leverage. P2P. Buy & sell crypto assets using bank transfer and 800+ options. Advanced.

Binance Liquid Swap is the sandbox where you can get familiar with becoming a liquidity provider and start yield farming directly from your Binance app. Instead of risking costly mistakes, you can minimize your errors by getting accustomed to the user-friendly environment that Liquid Swap provides.

Binance Liquid Swap is the name of Binance's DEx (Decentralized Exchange). It's a regular-looking DeFi token swapping facility with liquidity pool staking. It's supposed to be DeFi, but it runs on top of the Binance infrastructure, so in the end, it's a hybrid DeFi/CeFi platform.

The 10 best Binance Liquid Swap alternatives for passively earning crypto. 1. BlockFi. 2. KuCoin Crypto Lending. 3. Compound. 4. Uniswap. 5. YouHodler. 6. CoinLoan. 7. Kraken Staking. 8. Nexo. 9. Celsius. 10. PancakeSwap. Why is it important to have alternatives to Binance Liquid Swap?

The world's largest crypto exchange Binance on Friday said it is removing selected liquidity pools on #Binance Liquid Swap. The crypto exchange is taking down some major liquidity pools including #BTC, #Eth , #BNB, #ADA, #MATIC, #SOL, #SHIB, #DOGE 👀👀👀. — Pip_Hunter (@Aivarelis88) October 20, 2023.

We introduced Binance Liquid Swap, a new trading platform that lets users pool tokens for easy earning and instant liquidity, all within a few clicks from the Binance website, where you can already buy, trade, stake, and save your crypto.

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